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Legion Of The Damned: "Slaves Of The Shadow Realm" – 2019

энциклопедия: Legion Of The Damned

Состав группы:

  • Erik Fleuren – ударные
  • Maurice Swinkels – вокал
  • Harold Gielen – бас
  • Twan van Geel – гитара

Legion Of The Damned: "Slaves Of The Shadow Realm" – 2019


  1. The Widows Breed
  2. Nocturnal Commando
  3. Charnel Confession
  4. Slaves Of The Southern Cross
  5. Warhounds Of Hades
  6. Black Banners In Flames
  7. Shadow Realm Of The Demonic Mind
  8. Palace Of Sin
  9. Dark Coronation / Outro


1. The Widows Breed

Born of the black widow's womb
Raised on triple seath
Sworn to the art of darkness

Necro Mayombero
Vessel of Tata Nkisi
Initiation in darker witcheries

Sacrificial creed
The black widow's breed
Slaughtered human remains
Cauldron of blood and bones

Immense craving for power
Androphilia embrace
Decadent unholy trinity
Sorceries of the Sinister
Dark benedictions sought
Drenched in human blood

Sacrificial creed
The black widow's breed
Slaughtered human remains
Cauldron of blood and... Bones!

The Widow's Breed

Palo Mayombe sorcery
Witchcraft of the grave
For narco benedictions
No longer animals suffice
Proceed to human sacrifice
Furthering malevolence

Preparation of the Nganga
Cauldron of human rot
Brimming with boiling blood

Human brains and cigar ends
Turtle parts and wings of bats
Necromancer's alchemy

The Widow's Breed

Raise your hands
Plunge the knife
Cut out the heart
The victim alive
Warm blood dripping
Consume the flesh
Transfer of power
Magic of Death
His soul forever
Damned in Hell

Thirteen bodies to be found
Severely mutilated
Missing human body parts
The heart to be consumed alive
Life force of the victim
Transferring their power
Genitals and human brains
Cooking in the rotting mass
Abominable and vile
Buzzing with flies the aura of death

He becomes the great night

Sacrificial creed
The black widow's breed
Slaughtered human remains
Cauldron of blood and bones

Preparation of the Nganga
Cauldron of human rot
Brimming with boiling blood

Human brains and cigar ends
Turtle parts and wings of bats
Necromancer's alchemy

Bones protrude from the bubbling mass
Unspeakable stench of decay
Three weeks in the grave

The Abakua spells of horror
A fate worse then death
While the victims screams in agony

2. Nocturnal Commando

Possessed soldiers, gods of war
Ogun triumphant, release his horde
Masters of violence work their craft born in battle

Death commands

Shadow commando
Hunter in war
Blessing of Ogun
Black god of war

Dropped from heights in the night
Infiltration of enemy lines
Scarred in battle, in fire baptised
Weapons prepared for the fight

Shadow commando
Hunter in war
Blessing of Ogun
Black god of war

Nocturnal obscurations, rites for the gods of war
Ogun hear the call
Blessed be our missions
Wield the power of death
Malediction from the gods

Lingering beast still deep inside
Dormant gods of a primeval kind
Unchaining of the inner world
Possession wild and uncontrolled

Confirmation, target in sight
Confrontation, combat ignites
Hardened warrior ready to kill
Start the slaughter, shoot at will
Battle ensues, enemies engage
Muzzle spit fire, fearless, brave
Iron amulet, lord of war
Become the messenger of Ogun's force

Shadow commando
Hunter in war
Blessing of Ogun
Black god of war

Like a venomous black snake, aggressive and fierce
Feral vengeance, taking them down
Shadow commando, camouflaged beast
Nocturnal stalker, deathjaw released

Nocturnal obscurations, rites for the gods of war
Ogun hear the call
Blessed be our missions
Wield the power of death
Malediction from the gods

3. Charnel Confession

On the cross
Deathbound priest
There you lie

Not yet pierced
Thorns they tear
The flesh bleeds

Last confession
Be crucified
No absolution
From the charnel lord

Hear my words
As I will confess
All my sins to you
Before your death

Last confession
Be crucified
No absolution
From the charnel lord

Sadean philosophies
And walk the path of libertines
Indulge in carnal ecstasies
Antinomian inversion and iron-willed diablerie
Anticlergical blasphemies
Mystical confabulations
Messianic expectations
All perish under cruelty
Expect no compassion from the anti-inquisition
Face one last certainty

Resurrection of the sadist crucifies for the charnel lord
Priestly crucifixion

Lecherous priest
Hypocrisy's veil
Your church a morgue
For a dead man's greed
Divine insult
To nature's gods
Resurrection within
Of man as beast

Resurrection of the sadist crucifies for the charnel lord
Priestly crucifixion

Dagger deep
Piercing the side
Longinus rex
Passion of Christ
The apostate
Anti nomos rise

Last confession
Be crucified
No absolution
From the charnel lord

Sadean philosophies
And walk the path of libertines
Indulge in carnal ecstasies
Antinomian inversion and iron-willed diablerie
Anticlergical blasphemies
Mystical confabulations
Messianic expectations
All perish under cruelty
Expect no compassion from the anti-inquisition
Face one last certainty

Resurrection of the sadist crucifies for the charnel lord
Priestly crucifixion

4. Slaves Of The Southern Cross

Dark, from the shadow
Come black forces so profane
Hidden current, the opposer

He who sits at the left
Source of power, lord of death
Carnal master, lord of life
Infernal blackest light
Will be burning throne of lies

Slaves of the southern cross
Exaltation of the lord below
Slaves of the southern cross
Adoration of the shrines of Sodom
Slaves of the southern cross
Chalice of the un-divine

Knights Templar, trampled crosses
Worship of Baphomet
At the stake they burned
They paid with their lives

Slaves of the southern cross
Exaltation of the lord below
Slaves of the southern cross
Adoration of the shrines of Sodom
Slaves of the southern cross
Chalice of the un-divine

Antinomian currents in the realms of the forbidden
Gnostic embrace of inner god and beast
Fearless, I do not shun the path of the perversion
Carnal transcendence in lustful apostasy

Black witches on the sabbath
They praise the unholy
Black goat enchantress
Dark mistress on fire
Whip cracks, dark goddess
Screams of pleasure, screams of pain
Lilith lives on
Our mistress of the beast

Slaves of the southern cross
Exaltation of the lord below
Slaves of the southern cross
Adoration of the shrines of Sodom
Slaves of the southern cross
Chalice of the un-divine

From Samael and Lilith to Hekate, to Pan
Dionysian ecstasies and the coming over man
The unholy union of Babylon and beast
The crooked path of carnal alchemy
From the dark, from the shadow
Comes black power so profane
Hidden current, the opposer
He who sits at the left

5. Warhounds Of Hades

Columns clad in armour appear on the horizon dark
Arrival of the armies of the damned
Hellish commanders fought many bloody campaigns

Seasons of death and war are at hand

War hounds of Hades
War wolves of hate
War hounds of Hades
War wolves of fate

Armies awakened by the stench of the horseman's breath
Companies of ill repute, free mercenaries of death
Leaders and their troops thriving in perpetual conflict
Submission or destruction are the final demands

War hounds of Hades
War wolves of hate
War hounds of Hades
War wolves of fate

Scavenging the kingdom, ravaged and pillaged
Devastation, conquest, hunger, and death
Imperial ambitions in the realm of crown and cross
Have summoned the hounds of war
Warlord conquerors with an iron fist
Claim what they deem theirs
Chthonian powers of devastation
Spawning their destructive heirs
Blades are bloodied and axes hack
Death as far as man can see
A ferocious storm of stone and steel
Wolves march to destiny
Battering rams crush through the pounded gates
A hail of stone, steel, and fire is unleashed
Siege bombardment takes its toll
These proud walls will crumble and fall

Men and steel forged in the fires of Hades
Faces hardened and scarred
Savage masters are crowned in glory
And the dogs savour the spoils of war

War hounds of Hades
War wolves of hate
War hounds of Hades
War wolves of fate

6. Black Banners In Flames

Deep in the mountains of the once summer lands
Where fierce Capricorn display their horns in defiance
Where ancient fires still burn in their ancient shrines

Veneration in the shade of seven towers
Devote worship of the peacock-feathered angel
Dark traditions survive the woes of time
Fallen pride bestowing wisdom on mankind
Prime angel who bows before no lord
Obscure whispers under many conquering crowns
Semblance of Shaitan traced to ancient heresies

Proselytism on the rise
Extermination looms overhead
Desecration of the sacred shrines
And decapitators wield their blunted blades
Black banners rise
Religious genocide
Black banners burning
Yet the angel stands upright

Banners in black
Banners in flames
These banners burn
Banners aflame

Mass extermination, Neo-Caliphate conversion
Delivery to slavery and death
Monotheist aberration, rabid extremism
True interpretation of the book
Merciless persecution, thousands driven from their homes
Sanctuary they find not
Thousands being captured, thousands being slaughtered
Yet still the flame carries on

Banners in black
Banners in flames
These banners burn
Banners aflame
Banners in black
Banners in flames
These banners burn
Banners aflame

Ceaseless barbarism, endless antagonism
For the building of the martyr state
Arrogant expansion through warfare inhumane
These banners cannot hold the storm
Obscure whispers under many conquering crowns
Semblance of Sheitan traced to heresies primeval
Whose flame still burn while zealot is destroyed
Visions lie in shatters, the prophet's dreams in tears

7. Shadow Realm Of The Demonic Mind

Summoning the kings of the four infernal winds
Presiding over denizens of their vast domains
Samael and Azazel stand in the circle drawn

Mahazael and Azael, the demon triangle strong
Asmodai spits flames of hell
Three-headed abysmal king
Head of bull, man, and ram
Riding a dragon from the pits

Black magic conjurations through infernal spells
In pursuit of hidden knowledge of the outer realms
Request communication through the infernal names
Triangle and circle draw the demon's gate
Ritual evocation of Bael
Fierce ruler of legions from hell
Spirit apparition with a hoarse voice
Wear his demon sign to call him forth

The infernal inner sanctum will abide
Shadow realm of the demonic mind

Mighty duke called Astaroth
Viper held in his right hand
Rider of draconian beast
Shielding from his fiery breath

Full infernal splendour
Chariot in flames
Risen in the fire
Legions apostate
Chariot of Belial
Unleash my lawless hate

The infernal inner sanctum will abide
Shadow realm of the demonic mind

Keys to the forbidden depths of the mind
Externalize to assume control
Over mundane worlds and occult spirit realms
Psychomancer of the will
Astral ascent and infernal descent
In unholy union bound
Sorcerer's exertion of Thelemic will
Expressed by sigil, ring, and wand

Full infernal splendour
Chariot in flames
Risen in the fire
Legions apostate
Chariot of Belial
Unleash my lawless hate

8. Palace Of Sin

Entering a room of perverse dark delight
In rope and chain the twisted body lies
Leather straps tie down wrist and ankle

Under command of the master's iron hand

Chamber perverse
Palace of sin
Carnal obsession
Flesh under will

Subservience offered in this sphere
The slave relinquishes control
Flesh turning red under bare hand and cane
Screams of torment as the whip comes down

Chamber perverse
Palace of sin
Carnal obsession
Flesh under will

Enter the chamber perverse
Pleasure dome of Babylon
Flagellation, asphyxiation
Float into the sado trance
Deep into submission space
The master wields control
Pleasures received in pain
Under continuous screams and moans

Sacrifice on the altar of pain
Brandish the triskelion ring
Orificial adoration, release Lilith's floods
Savage, Dionysian pleasures wild

The realm of perverse dark delight
In rope and chain the twisted body lies
Leather straps tie down wrist and ankle
Under command of the master's iron hand

9. Dark Coronation / Outro

At the left-hand side of heaven's jaded throne
Sits the opposer as snake and tempter known
Dark currents from different fountains sprung

Lawless chaos from the waters of the deep

The ravaging Set from ancient Khem
Hurling you in the storm of the self
Anomalous birth of the rapacious lord
Receive the gift from the lawless god

Black coronation of the scarlet beast
Left-hand embodiment in syncretic ways
Emanations on the path of the opposer
From Tiamat to Typhon, to Set

Cults in praise of Typhon
Through the spheres of Qliphoth
Draconian invocation
Scrolls of abominations
The lords of aberration
Tetragrammaton denied
Raging force of chaos
God of desert and violence
Unleashing the merciless storms

The ravaging Set from ancient Khem
Hurling you in the storm of the self
Anomalous birth of the rapacious lord
Receive the gift from the lawless god

Licentious resurrection of the temple of the flesh
Carnal transgressions, antinomian dissent
Orgiastic celebration, stellar aspirations
Draconian recitations to beyond

Scrolls of abominations
The lords of aberration
Tetragrammaton denied
Raging force of chaos
God of desert and violence
Unleashing the merciless storms

The cauldron of flesh, carnal alchemy
Visions beyond the master Therion's dreams
Sinister path towards self-overcoming
Enter a world without end

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